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Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners

Link to Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners, our early childhood regional networks, document resource library, highlights, and profiles of collaborative efforts.


Community Development:

A set of indicators has been developed to help communities blend the programs serving young children. These indicators will help improve service delivery approaches and will guide in the development of early learning centers. A chart is available to see the main Federal Early Childhood funding streams. Click on the departments on this chart and you will be linked to their home page. 

Personnel Development:

We strive to build a unified sense of professional development between teachers of young children, whether they work in child care, Head Start, or in the schools. We promote articulation between university and technical colleges and in-service programs. We want easy access and portability of credits and credentials within a consistent career ladder. 

Business Partnerships:

Meetings and panels have helped identify business leaders and strategies for business partnerships. Go to this link for a list of reasons why businesses become involved in early childhood issues and strategies that businesses use.

The Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners listserve

(WECCP) is designed to facilitate interactive, electronic communication between the agencies, associations, and individuals providing services to Wisconsin's young children (birth to age 8) and their families. The focus of this listserve is on state, community, and interagency efforts to improve service delivery approaches for young children and their families.


For questions about this information, contact Sherry Kimball (608) 267-9625