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Processor Information


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The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Direct Diversion Processing Program is an option for all SFAs participating in the USDA Foods Program. Any approved USDA National Processor can apply to participate. Processing in Wisconsin incudes the Direct Diversion Program, Cheese Rebate Program, and State Processing Program. Review the "How to Participate" section below for more information.

Approved processors should use this page to manage the annual timeline and tasks, including annual application, submitting transfer requests and the Monthly Performance Report (MPR). The List of Approved Processors and the SFAs' annual bulk pound commitments will also be housed on this page. See below for more information. 

If you have any questions, please contact .

How to Participate
Timeline and Tasks

Coming Soon!

Transfer Request

To "Request a Transfer" of Pounds for the Direct Diversion Program, SFAs should connect with the Processor and/or Broker to discuss options, availability of pounds, and send an email request to

Once the request is submitted to DPI USDA Foods Team, we will review and approve, modify, or deny the request based on available pounds and the circumstances of each request.

Bulk Pound Commitment Reports

SY 2024-25

SY 2023-24

List of Approved Processors

Includes USDA Product Codes and Descriptions, the Value-Pass-Through method each Processor allows, and Processor/Broker Contact Information.

School Year 2024-25 (Program Year 2025) 

School Year 2023-24 (Program Year 2024)