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Indicator 11: Timely Initial Evaluations - Integration into WISEdata

Thursday, March 28, 2024

In order to reduce local educational agency (LEA) staff time and effort, DPI is phasing out the use of the Indicator 11: Timely Initial Evaluations application (Special Education Portal). Instead, DPI will snapshot Indicator 11 from data submitted by LEAs into WISEdata. In the past, only LEAs “in cycle” were required to submit data in any given year. In contrast and moving forward, this will be a data element submitted by all LEAs through WISEdata. In order to ensure that the data is valid and reliable, please note the following:

  • All students who are evaluated for special education must have a WISEid (for children below compulsory school age or parentally placed in private or home-based schooling, see
  • Beginning immediately, all data element fields must contain valid data or will be found to be in error (not warning) status.

For more information, see

Note: this data will NOT be included in the upcoming May 21 Spring Demographics snapshot; it will be snapped for the first time in December 2024.