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On-site Monitoring


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Each year, SFAs are required to conduct monitoring visits of each school meal service site to do a self-assessment of the counting, claiming and general areas to ensure program integrity and accountability.

On-site monitoring is required for all School Food Authorities (SFAs) with more than one school site operating the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), and the School Breakfast Program (SBP). It is also required for all SFAs operating the Afterschool Snack Program (ASP), regardless of only operating at one site.

On-Site Monitoring Forms

National School Lunch Program (NSLP)

This form must be completed annually for all sites operating NSLP.

School Breakfast Program (SBP)

This form must be completed annually for 50% of sites operating SBP. Each school operating the SBP must be reviewed once every two years.

Afterschool Snack Program (ASP)

Unlike the NSLP and SBP, the ASP requires two assessments annually. For SY 2021-22, the Afterschool Snack Program monitoring requirement have been waived, but SFAs are encouraged to monitor Afterschool Snack Program sites for program compliance, as able. For more information on the ASP on-site monitoring requirements, visit the ASP webpage.

Seamless Summer Option (SSO)

SFAs with more than one SSO site are required to conduct monitoring visits. The SSO Monitoring Form has been created to more accurately reflect operations under the SSO. The form can be utilized for both breakfast and lunch and must be completed annually for all sites serving lunch and 50% of the sites serving breakfast so that each school operating the School Breakfast Program is reviewed once every two years.